Random access memory temporarily stores data and instructions that the processor needs to perform operations. Data transfers to RAM are delivered via ultra-fast memory or directly. All data is stored only when the computer is turned on; when turned off, all data is erased.

During the execution of a program, some of its most important files are loaded into random access memory (RAM) and stored there as long as the application is running. The processor directly executes these files and stores the results. The memory stores codes of pressed keys and values of mathematical operations. After executing the Save command, the contents of the RAM are saved to the hard disk.
Most PC users are trying to increase the amount of RAM, because the larger it is, the faster all processes loaded into it work. This is especially important when running such resource-intensive programs as games or graphics editors. The more RAM, the faster the gameplay and editing will be.
RAM is divided into many types, the most common of which are DDR, DDRII and DDRIII, which differ in data transfer rate. The higher the frequency, the faster the work. The slowest of these is DDR, the fastest is DDR3. These strips have different connectors.
Each module contains microcircuits that are connected to the motherboard. These modules have different characteristics and must be compatible with the system in which they are used. ROM is read only memory, and therefore the user cannot perform write operations. DRAM is a dynamic memory device that has a random sampling order. And SRAM is static random access memory. ROM and DRAM support storage, but no data on them can be changed, and therefore programs are loaded into them that start the system. ROM can be considered part of the system's RAM, and part of any bar has an address space for loading the most important software.
By itself, RAM is a microcircuit. There are single-sided and double-sided strips on which the modules are located on one or both sides.