Where Desktop Screenshots Are Saved

Where Desktop Screenshots Are Saved
Where Desktop Screenshots Are Saved

In certain cases, the user may need to take a photo of the desktop. To do this, you must either use a special key on the keyboard, or use a program to capture an image from the screen. The method of saving screenshots depends on the user's choice.

Where desktop screenshots are saved
Where desktop screenshots are saved

Any keyboard has a Print Screen key located on the right side above the number pad or above the Insert, Home and Page Up keys. After pressing the Print Screen key, a snapshot of what was currently on the desktop will be placed on the clipboard. The data in the clipboard is stored temporarily, and the screenshot will remain there only until you replace it with other content. Therefore, the desktop photo must be saved as a separate file. Launch any graphics editor, create a new sheet and press Ctrl and V or Shift and Insert. You can also choose the Paste command from the Edit menu. The contents of the clipboard will be transferred to the sheet you created. After that, you need to specify the directory for saving the file yourself. Select "Save" (Ctrl and S keys) or "Save As" from the "File" menu, a new dialog box will open. In the "File name" field, enter a name for your image, in the "Files of type" field, select the format in which it should be saved. Moving with the mouse through the various folders, select the directory where you want to place your screenshot and press the "Save" button or press the Enter key. After that, look for the photo in the folder you just designated. If you are going to use a program to capture an image, install it on your computer and run it. In the application window, select the "Settings" item, set the parameters for the snapshots and find the "Folder" field ("Saved images", "Directory" or another field that matches the meaning). Specify in the found field the folder in which it will be convenient for you to search for pictures, and apply the new settings. To take a screenshot of the desktop, press the hotkey (they are different in different applications), your photo will be automatically saved in the directory that you yourself specified. If you could not figure out the settings, the screenshot may be in the program folder. In some cases, a new subfolder may be created in the My Documents folder.
