Among other tasks in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" the player will meet the task of finding the PDA Morgan. Depending on how the player enters to search for a PDA and which side he will take, the plot of the game will develop accordingly.

Finding the PDA Morgan by playing as stalkers
Playing on the side of stalkers, negotiate with the bandits to attack the stalker group on the Shevchenko steamer. To do this, talk to a bandit named Brass knuckles and agree to go robbery with them. As soon as you arrive at the Shevchenko, wait until the bandits begin to discuss the plan to seize the ship and warn the stalkers about it. Help them fight off the attack.
Agree with the stalker Beard to disrupt a gangster deal on the sale of weapons. Go to the forestry together with a group of stalkers and surround the bandits and merchants. When the commander of the stalkers Spartak gives the command, shoot the mercenaries and bandits. At the same time, try to ensure that the characters who gave you orders survived the shootout. In the event of their death, there will be no one to give you the reward. Kill the long man in the exoskeleton, search him and take the PDA from the corpse.
Finding the PDA Morgan by playing as the bandits
Playing on the side of the bandits, head to the Shevchenko steamer. Do not warn stalkers about the attack and support the Brass Knuckle gang with fire. Destroy all stalkers together with the criminals and report the victory to the Sultan.
After the destruction of the stalkers, take from the Sultan a new task to protect the bandits when buying weapons. Together with the bandits, go to the forestry, follow them into the building to meet with the merchant. When stalkers attack them and Morgan thinks that he has been betrayed, shoot back from Morgan with mercenaries and from stalkers. Try to make as many bandits as possible survive the shootout. Having destroyed both those and others, immediately rush to search the corpse of Morgan in search of the PDA. If you are late, some bandit will search the corpse and take the PDA for himself. Finding him after that will be very difficult.
Find the PDA Morgana as a merchant
After supporting the bandits on the Shevchenko steamer, talk to a merchant named Sych, who lives on Skadovsk. Take from him the task of protecting the Debt group merchant named Morgan. Arriving in the forestry, find Morgan and his mercenaries there and prepare to protect him.
When, after the arrival of the bandits, the stalkers try to break the deal, hide away and wait for the warring parties to kill each other. After that, finish off the survivors and pick up trophies from the bodies.
Another option is to protect Morgan and destroy both bandits and stalkers. Subsequently, when the player gets to the Yanov station and is attacked by mercenaries in its vicinity, a PDA will be found on the corpse of their leader, where it will be seen that the task to kill the hero was given by Morgan.
Having met him at the station, blackmail him with this entry and convince him to take you to the Debt warehouse. Having found an ambush on the way to the warehouse, kill Morgan and the attackers, and then take the PDA you need from his body.