The task in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat, called Oasis, has a fairly high level of difficulty. The very essence of the task is quite simple, but it is far from being as easy to complete as it might seem at first glance.

Oasis in the game Stalker: Call of Pripyat is a task that can be easily taken from Professor Ozersky. The essence of this side quest is to find this very Oasis and bring the professor proof that you have been there. Of course, the player can ask various in-game characters about the Oasis, but in fact this will not give any sense.
The path to the Oasis
In order to find the Oasis, you need to go to the Ventilation Complex, which is located in the vicinity of the Jupiter plant. You need to find the entrance that leads to the tunnels. To do this, you will need to enter the complex not from the main side and not from the ground part of the complex, but from there, where the railway embankment is located.
The entrance to the basement itself will look like a small building that has sunk into the ground a little. After you get into this room, on the way you may encounter small mutants such as zombies or jerboas. You can deal with them easily and quickly enough.
When you get to the boarded up opening, you need to break the boards that close the passage, and in the opening that appears, you need to turn right and go to the closed door. Not far from it there is a pipe, into which you will have to go and crawl along it. After you get out of it, another pipe appears, similar to the previous one, only with brackets. Then these procedures must be repeated until a closed pipe appears. As soon as you meet her, you can safely turn left and walk along the corridor to the end. As a result, you will find yourself in a room with columns, where you need to solve a riddle.
Solving the puzzle
This room is a small puzzle. If you just try to go through it, then you will simply teleport back. As a result, we need to solve a small problem. In order to complete the task and get directly to the Oasis, it is necessary to find a small flickering rain in each horizontal row of columns. After you find them all in order, you will find yourself in the coveted place. You don't have to look for the artifact - it is located on a tree branch.
You should be on your guard, because right after you pick it up, a psi dog will attack you. As a result, you can proudly return to the professor and report on the completion of the assignment. For this he will offer you to either keep the found artifact, or pay you 7000. You can take both, using a small bug in the game.