If the vast majority of users are familiar with such a concept as "driver", then not everyone knows what they are for. Often, users, having once installed the required driver, never update it without seeing the need for it.

A driver is a special computer software that allows the operating system (sometimes another program) to access the hardware of any devices.
It is drivers that play a critical role in the correct use of various devices that are an integral part of a personal computer. In addition, drivers are critical to software as well, giving it the ability to use hardware resources. Thus, we can say that they are a kind of bridges, a link between the software and hardware parts of the computer.
Unfortunately, many users do not pay enough attention to updating their drivers, considering it unnecessary, while at the same time worrying about using the latest versions of their favorite programs. By releasing driver updates, manufacturers, firstly, eliminate shortcomings and errors made in previous versions, secondly, solve compatibility problems with new versions of operating systems, and thirdly, add new functionality.
Without the appropriate drivers, no device will be able to fully work (or work at all). Such software exists for peripherals (printers, scanners), internal devices (video card, sound card), for buses (for example, USB).
Often, problems in the operation of a particular equipment lie not in the equipment itself, but in the drivers used. Due to various system errors, they may malfunction. It is the driver check that should be one of the first steps in diagnosing computer hardware malfunctions.
To update the driver, select "Start" -> "Control Panel" -> "Device Manager", select a specific device and click on the corresponding button on the toolbar.