A computer with Internet access has become such a familiar part of our life that it is extremely difficult for many to imagine their existence without it. But, as you know, if necessary, a person can do without a lot of things, including this smart and useful machine.

Pre-computer generation
Representatives of the older generation can easily imagine life without a computer, who perfectly remember the times and their lives before the onset of the “computer era”. Indeed, even some 30 years ago, a computer was a complex unit accessible to a narrow circle of specialists, and the Internet did not exist at all.
And people lived! We bought tickets at the box office, communicated personally and by landline phone, looked for information in libraries, looked through reference and special literature, made handwritten notes in notebooks and notebooks, went to the cinema, listened to the radio and watched TV, and at the same time did not feel unhappy at all and deprived!
Some older people still have not mastered this miracle of technology and have a rather vague idea of its capabilities. But this does not prevent them from living the full life to which they are accustomed. They seem to have “not noticed” that the world has changed, are wary of technical innovations and are in no hurry to master them. They live in a familiar world, not wanting to adapt to the changes that have occurred in it, and this is their right!
It is quite easy for people whose work is not directly related to its use can live without a computer. The vast majority of them might even win, suddenly losing the ability to play endless online games or spend hours on social media.
You can often find enthusiastic posts of women who have a computer out of order: in a few weeks they manage to redo household chores that they could not get down to for six months! And children, deprived of the opportunity to sit for whole days at the monitor, finally go out on the street, learn the joy of live communication, find useful and interesting activities outside the network.
Of course, using a computer and the Internet, it is convenient and easy to search for information, learn, organize and structure many everyday things, from a personal schedule to home accounting. But how many admit to themselves that the lion's share of the time they spend at the computer is spent not on useful things, but on entertainment, empty conversations and browsing sites?
Partial computer abandonment
A computer is not only a loyal and useful assistant, but also a “time killer” that can be spent with greater benefit. In addition, long hours spent in front of the monitor do not have a very good effect on health: vision, posture, and the nervous system suffer.
Refusing to use a computer in the modern world, of course, is unreasonable and unnecessary. But it is possible and even necessary to perceive it as a useful tool, and not as a total “substitute for the world”. It is useful to arrange "fasting days" for yourself, when the computer simply does not turn on, and the free time is devoted to loved ones, family, communication with friends and other useful and enjoyable activities.
It is also important to regulate the time spent at the computer. This applies not only to children, but also to adults. To spend time usefully without wasting it, you should clearly set yourself the task of what exactly you want to do with the computer at the moment, what information to find, etc. After completing the planned, remember that the rest of the time spent in front of the monitor, you could well devote to more useful things.