One of the ways to increase the performance and speed of your computer is to defragment installed hard drives. The fact is that information related to one file can be recorded in different places on the disk. This increases the time of its reading and thus slows down the work of the computer. The purpose of defragmentation is to organize the fragments of files that are scattered throughout the hard disk space. There are at least two ways to do defragmentation.

Step 1
In all versions of Windows, the defragmentation function is built into the operating shell by default and belongs to the so-called "standard" programs. In order to defragment the disk, go to "My Computer" and select your hard drive.
Step 2
Clicking on the disk icon with the right mouse button, select "Properties". In the window that opens with various information about the disk and setting some of its parameters, go to the "Service" tab. On it, select "Perform defragmentation". After that, the system will clarify some parameters of its implementation and start working. In order to do defragmentation, the system can take from several minutes to several hours. The operating time depends on the "clogging" of the hard disk.
Step 3
Many users do not trust standard Windows programs, believing that they are somewhat limited in functionality and settings. If you need to do defragmentation, you can use third-party programs and their solutions: Auslogics Disk Defrag, MyDefrag, Defraggler and others. These programs allow you to conduct a preliminary analysis of the hard disk for fragmentation before starting work in order to determine whether it is necessary to defragment. In addition, they have a simple and intuitive interface. For most inexperienced users, it is enough just to launch any of these programs, select one or more hard drives for defragmentation and click on the "Start / Start" button.