How To Increase The Speed Of The Modem

How To Increase The Speed Of The Modem
How To Increase The Speed Of The Modem

ADSL access has brought broadband Internet access to millions of people. The ADSL modem is simple enough to set up and operate so that anyone, not just an information technology and computer hardware professional, can handle it.

How to increase the speed of the modem
How to increase the speed of the modem

However, despite this, errors in connecting modems are widespread. Often, it is enough just to connect the modem correctly, and this will dramatically increase the speed of the ADSL modem, or rather, the speed and stability of the Internet connection.

  1. Examine the back panel of the modem. There are two "telephone" sockets labeled Line and Phone. The first "enters" the telephone line, the second "exits" the wire for connecting the telephone set. The switched off modem is "transparent", that is, the phone connected to it works as if it were directly connected to the line. If the modem is turned on, then the phone is cut off from the line and does not interfere with the operation of the electronics of the high-speed modem. If connected correctly, all telephones must be connected after the Phone socket. As a rule, this outlet is either not used at all, or a single device is connected to it, and the rest remain on the line when the modem is operating, creating interference and deteriorating the quality of the connection. Moreover, this happens even when there are no conversations through these devices.
  2. The telephone line itself, or rather, the noodle-type wire, has terrible phase stability and noise immunity characteristics. Replace the fragment from the shield to the ADSL modem with a twisted pair cable using one of the pairs of conductors. The length of the modem wire should be as short as possible, and of course it should be solid, without twisted connections. The rest of the telephone wiring can be left the same, the main thing is to connect the modem to a high-quality conductor. Laying a new wire will require a certain investment of time and effort, but it will make it possible to significantly increase the speed of the modem. In addition, if you are using a standard cable used for building Ethernet networks, then its mechanical strength will also be much better than that of a telephone noodle. Such a cable is much more difficult to interrupt by accidentally placing a sofa leg on it or pressing it against the wall with a cabinet, although, of course, such experiments will not do him any good.
