In many organizations using databases, the issue of security and safety is relevant. And it's not that organizations are trying to hide something, the problem is more about financial records and customer information, for which corporate databases are most often hacked.

anti-virus software
Step 1
Use proven databases with the ability to encrypt transmitted data and the procedures themselves, encryption, as well as support for special protection utilities. Most often in organizations, security is carried out on the basis of authorization. Unfortunately, this is more than enough. Also use anti-virus software to keep the database on your personal computer completely safe. As practice shows, information often disappears from the computer, and after a while it appears on the Internet in a decrypted form.
Step 2
Use encryption of transmitted data and request procedures. The MySQL database has more than a dozen special functions that can be used to implement the encryption mechanism without burdening the process of transferring the data requested by the user. AES_ENCRYPT (), AES_DECRYPT (), COMPRESS () and others. Hide the contents of executable procedures and functions. Any experienced cracker can recognize the source code and mimic a similar one. For MySQL databases, a special program SQL Shield has been released for coding the source code.
Step 3
The level of data security will significantly increase the use of cryptography. This mechanism involves encrypting information using two types of keys - public and private. The T-SQL function serves this purpose. Use special database protection software. For MySQL, this protector is XP_CRYPT. This program will take care of all the complexities of encryption and encryption.
Step 4
Do not forget that any data to which you have read access can be copied and saved. The optimal solution to this issue would be to use encryption, which will make it impossible to read the copied data.