How To Convert Cr2 To Jpeg On A Camera

How To Convert Cr2 To Jpeg On A Camera
How To Convert Cr2 To Jpeg On A Camera

After shooting with the camera, very often the problem of the wrong format arises. The files are saved in CR2, but in order to save space on the hard disk, the best option is to convert them to JPEG.

How to convert cr2 to jpeg on a camera
How to convert cr2 to jpeg on a camera

Uncompressed photographs in CR2 format, obtained using a digital camera or Canon camera, are too "weight", that is, the size of one photo can reach up to 10 mb. This is often not justified, as too many pictures can be taken. There are several ways to transfer from an inconvenient file format to a comfortable one for the user.

Online conversion

Open your browser, follow the first link left in the sources. Click "select files". Review these conversion settings, set everything as you like. If everything is done well, click start converting. Wait out the processing of information, after it place the converted file in a folder convenient for you. After the performed manipulations, the file in the JPEG format, which practically does not weigh anything, will be provided for work.


The next option is to download and use the freeware program. You can simply write the name "Picasa" in the search engine and download from a convenient source. If you have this photo editor on your computer, open your photo and click on the active "Edit in Picasa" button.

A huge number of interactions will be available to the picture, since the program is versatile. Your task is extremely simple. Click on the button in the upper left corner "File", then "Save As". Specify the folder for the future location of the file, select the file type JPEG. The photo will appear in the selected folder in a compressed state almost 10 times in the format you need.

CR2 Converter

Download this absolutely free program on the Internet by entering the name CR2 Converter into the search bar. After downloading, at the first entry, you need to select a folder in which all your files will be saved, which will be changed during operation. To do this, click on the active Select link and select the required one from the list of available drives and folders.

Now add the CR2 format files to the work area to be "converted". To do this, you need to select the Add button and select all the photos of the wrong size.

After the above steps, click on the Convert button, located to the right of Close, in the lower right corner of the program window. After a few seconds, when the processing of the file is successful, you will be presented with an introductory window that will notify you of readiness. Look at the previously selected folder and make sure the conversion is correct.

Note. On some of the sources given earlier, the translation into the.

So, the conversion from cr2 to jpeg does not take long and bad shots can be fixed in a matter of minutes. Use the programs available on the "world wide web" and forget about problems with converting photos!
