The device of a modern computer is not as complicated as many people think. Just a few basic and additional devices. A personal computer requires power to operate. The food is supplied by electricity. But in order for the computer to receive power, and it is distributed in the correct way, a power supply is necessary. Let's analyze the connection of the PSU to the computer.

Step 1
The power supply is a small box with a hole through which the cables pass. PSUs have different voltages, so when choosing a new unit, be guided by the largest number. In any case, not less than 450-500V. After that, we start installing the PSU. To do this, place the computer in a horizontal position. The power supply is located in the upper left of the system unit and is secured with four screws. Place the PSU in the indicated place and screw it on.
Step 2
Now you need to connect the unit directly to the motherboard. To do this, take the main power supply plug and connect it to the corresponding socket on the motherboard. This plug has a latch that will secure it to the jack. When inserting the plug, the latch should make a distinctive sound.
Step 3
We connect the rest of the cables to the computer devices. SATA cables must be connected to the hard drive and floppy drive. A cable can also pass from the video card, which, by means of a chip, is interconnected with the power supply cables. After connecting all devices to the power supply, connect the cables of the external devices of the computer (monitor, speakers, keyboard, etc.). If necessary, switch the toggle switch on the power supply to the "ON" position. Turn on your computer.