To supply power to the motherboard, you need to know what type of unit is suitable for it. There are only two options: power supplies such as AT or ATX. More powerful motherboards require an additional connector to the processor.

Step 1
Disconnect power from the system unit of your personal computer. To connect power to the motherboard, use a single 20 or 24 pin connector. You will not be able to put it on incorrectly, because blocking keys are installed in it. If you are going to use a 24-pin power supply, and the motherboard has only 20, then it's okay. Only pins 11, 12, 23 and 24 will not be used. If we consider the opposite case, i. E. connecting a 20-pin power supply to a 24-pin motherboard, this connection is not possible.
Step 2
Check the motherboard for four extra pins to connect the atx power supply. These motherboards are designed to use powerful processors. Additional four wires fit to the processor: 2 black and 2 yellow. Black wires with zero potential, and yellow wires with a voltage of + 12V. If the ATX power supply does not have a corresponding connector for this motherboard, then it cannot be used for connection.
Step 3
Use a special atx power supply if you need to connect a powerful video card to it that requires additional power. Please note that the connectors on a standard power supply unit and such a video card are very similar, but differ in the set of voltages, and sometimes in the configuration of the keys, which will save you from incorrect connection.
Step 4
In turn, connect the motherboard to the power supply unit, then the processor and video card, if necessary. The characteristics of the power supply should indicate what it is intended for and for how many connections it is designed for.
Step 5
Also take into account the power of the power supply, because even if the model and connectors are suitable, there may not be enough power to power all the elements of the system unit.