Disabling the monitor may be due to both its malfunction and disruptions in the operation of other equipment. If the malfunction has not been resolved using known troubleshooting methods, it is worth contacting the service center.

Newbies with little knowledge of computers may be unpleasantly surprised that the monitor turns off after a few minutes of system inactivity. This is fixable: it is enough to change the power settings in the "Screen" (or similar) menu in the "Control Panel", setting new values and parameters to turn off the monitor in case of system inactivity for a certain time.
It doesn't hurt to look into the "Control Panel" in order to see how the video card "feels" and to set, if possible, other values for its operation. It is also possible that it simply overheats. The way out is obvious - take care of sufficient cooling of the adapter by installing additional coolers.
Often, the power supply also plays with users in "turning off the monitor" and other bad games. Unfortunately, in the Russian market it is difficult to find a power supply that would really meet the capacities stated in the technical documentation. But in any case, you should buy it, as they say, "with a margin" and not update the equipment without calculating the entire possible load.
Strange as it may seem, viruses can also interfere with the uninterrupted operation of the monitor. More precisely, they can make their own adjustments to the operating system configuration and block a number of video card capabilities. That is why it is worth constantly taking care of the constant updating of antivirus programs in order to avoid problems.
Does not interfere with periodic diagnostic measures in order to prevent the failure of the monitor and other equipment. In other words, take care not only of the external, but also of the internal state of the monitor and the system unit. This also applies to banal cleaning and purging of components and assemblies, and checking the condition of wires, tires and boards, and timely updating drivers. However, if after updating the drivers, the system has completely ceased to function normally, it makes sense to roll back all the changes.
It is worth checking the condition of the video card connector on the motherboard, and also see if there is any damage in the monitor connector. It is possible that the monitor turns off also due to the fact that it is simply poorly connected to the system unit.