Disk defragmentation updates the logical structure of disk space in such a way that writing a single file takes up a contiguous sequence of clusters. Whereas usually, during long-term operation of the system, parts of the files are located in different places of the physical medium. This redistribution, performed by any defragmenter utility, not only streamlines the logical structure of the disk, but also significantly speeds up the operation of the entire system. After all, reading and writing files in the case of a fragmented disk is very slow. That is why it is advisable to regularly defragment the logical partitions of the system.

Step 1
Run the disk defragmentation utility application. To do this, in the main menu of the system, called by the "Start" button, open the following items: "All Programs" - "Standard" - "System Tools" - "Disk Defragmenter". The program window will open, where you can analyze the disk or start defragmentation.
Step 2
This utility can be started in another way. To do this, open the "My Computer" window by launching a shortcut on the desktop or from the menu of the "Start" button. Then select any logical disk with the mouse, open its context menu and select the "Properties" item. In the new window, go to the "Service" tab and in the "Disk Defragmenter" section click on the "Defragment" button. The system will launch a standard utility application window.
Step 3
In this window, at the top there is an element that is a list of all partitions of hard drives connected to the computer. Below are the elements of a graphical evaluation of the used capacitive space. They show the location of the files before and after defragmenting the disk.
Step 4
Select the required disk for defragmentation in the list of logical partitions with the mouse. Click the Defragment button at the bottom of the window. The system will start defragmentation of the selected disk, graphically displaying this process in the evaluation blocks. Thus, the entire process of transferring parts of files to one place can be monitored as the utility is running.
Step 5
Upon completion of work, the application will display a corresponding message on the screen. Your disk is now defragmented.