The hard disk is full of information, the computer slows down and the user turns on defragmentation. But a rush, an unfulfilled plan, an unfinished letter or an unfinished report force us to “torment” the PC again and again, despite the fact that it is on prophylaxis. Defragmentation and concurrent operation - compatible in incompatible.

Serving work does not tolerate fuss, but not when the report is on fire, the deadline has come and you need to do as much as possible in as little time as possible. And here comes the realization that it's high time to carry out the defragmentation procedure to make the PC a little faster.
What is defragmentation
Information on the computer is not recorded evenly on the hard disk. It is distributed randomly to free sectors and clusters.
Defragmentation is best done regularly, and for this, create a task in the Operating System.
This state of affairs sooner or later leads to the fact that the read heads are slower to find the desired area of the disc. At a visible level, this is reflected in the so-called "brakes". The operating system takes a long time to "digest" the request and cannot produce the desired result as quickly as an impatient user wants. In this case, defragmentation is needed to organize the data.
Impatient User Syndrome
When the computer is busy defragmenting, the hard drive is very busy. The readheads have to work in a complex mode. Find information, read it, overwrite it in a new place to make it orderly. At times like this, ideally, it's best to leave your PC alone and do something else.
Impatience is not a vice for the user, but when you work during defragmentation, the process slows down even more.
But, as you know, there is no ideal. In the real world, when defragmentation takes a couple of hours, which is not uncommon, the user may break down and start working before completing all the required operations.
And there is nothing wrong with that, if you put up with the overall slow operation of the system. The readheads of the hard drive have to spend time organizing information and fulfilling your requests. This results in slow file opening, audio stuttering and video stuttering. You will not be able to lose information in this way, unless a sharp power surge occurs during defragmentation.
It's good if you have more than one hard drive on your computer. Then you can work with files on one disk and defragment another. Then, if possible, transfer the information to the first disk, and run the second for defragmentation. This will somewhat reduce time losses and speed up the overall process.
Therefore, if you have the opportunity, then do not prevent the computer from making the system faster and do not turn it off until the operation is completed. Defragment it overnight and go to bed. If the work does not tolerate, you can perform various actions simultaneously with the maintenance of the PC. There can be no strict prohibitions here, just recommendations.