When you use your computer for a long time, the data on it becomes fragmented. Defragmentation corrects this shortcoming, helps improve the performance of your computer, and extends the lifespan of your disks.

If the user makes large changes to the file in use, the disk space allocated for it may not be enough. Then the data is written in chunks. A similar situation occurs when writing large files to an almost full disk. When there is little empty space on the disk, all new data is written to it in any free space. The files appear to be torn into many pieces located in different parts of the disk. If the processes of erasing and writing data occur often enough, then most of the disk is fragmented. This significantly reduces the operating system's performance, file access time and program launch times. All these unpleasant consequences can be prevented by running the disk defragmentation process. As a result, the file is collected into one whole, the data is saved at the beginning of the disk, and free space remains at its end, which also increases the speed of access to files and folders. With regular defragmentation, the disk's lifespan will increase, as the read head makes significantly fewer movements. You can defragment using special programs. The operating system usually has a built-in program for this process. In order to use it, in the window "My Computer" right-click on the disk on which you want to defragment and in the "Tools" menu select "perform defragmentation". Next, you will see the program window, where you can select first to analyze the disk for the degree of fragmentation, and then perform the necessary actions. There are many commercial defragmentation programs available. They perform the process more thoroughly, it is possible to run the process in the background and on a specified schedule. But for the average user, the built-in defragmentation program is often enough.