Almost all goods and services need advertising. But if there is no money for the advertising budget, this is not a reason to refuse to stimulate sales. It is free to create and place advertisements on the Internet.

Step 1
Advertising is divided into several types: outdoor, print, television and radio, contextual, media, etc. It should be remembered that in each specific case, the placement should be selected individually, depending on the target audience and the portrait of a potential client. The easiest way to place free advertising is on the Internet.
Step 2
First of all, create your ad message. It can be purely textual, fully graphic or combined, the main thing is that it should convey to potential customers the benefits of a product or service. Try to make the ad unit as succinct and concise as possible: Internet users do not like to waste time reading large amounts of information. Do not neglect graphics: bright and expressive images are great at grabbing attention and convey the general meaning of the message even before reading the text.
Step 3
Select online sites where the created ad unit can be placed for free. These can be all kinds of catalogs of establishments (they make it possible to publish information about the company, news and reviews), thematic forums (many of them contain special sections for advertisements), business portals (usually have the most developed functionality: from creating a company page to the possibility blogging, posting press releases and articles). The blogosphere is a good advertising platform. Choose communities that are relevant to your topic and regularly post updates to them, including photos and videos. Don't forget about social networks: create groups, invite members, maintain communication and user activity. Another way to advertise your services are affiliate programs, as well as participating in promotions on special discount sites.