One of the best ways to learn a foreign language is to read books in the target language. Previously, such books could be found mainly in libraries and in special departments of bookstores, but with the advent of the Internet, everything has become easier. Currently, there are many resources on the network where you can download books in English in a few seconds.

In network libraries. On the open spaces of the Runet there is a huge number of paid and free libraries, where you can download books in any format and in any language. You just need to find a section called "books in foreign languages" or "books in English" and download those books that you like.
Various torrent distributors are very popular - sites with which you can quickly download a huge amount of free information. As a rule, on popular torrent sites there are special sections in which there is a lot of materials for learning the main foreign languages. These are interactive tutorials, textbooks, films and, of course, books. Moreover, books can be formed into a block - for example, "books in English for beginners." So by downloading one torrent file, you are actually downloading several dozen books at the same time.
Often books in English can be downloaded from sites dedicated to learning English, including sites that offer paid education. As a rule, on the websites of good schools there is a section where advice on learning a language is given and some teaching materials are laid out. In some cases, it is better to download books in English from such sites, because they usually host books adapted for foreign language learners.
Many self-taught English learners run their own blogs or websites where they share useful information. Including spread for downloading books in English, where they can be downloaded absolutely free.
You can also go beyond the space of the Russian-language Internet and download books in English on foreign resources. For example, you can find the sites of the British National Library or the US Library of Congress. After registering for them, you can download interesting books in English, which may not be on Russian resources.