The Android operating system is currently used in tablet computers, netbooks, smartphones and communicators, and it is becoming more and more popular. There are many different resources on the Internet where you can find books for devices with this OS.

Before downloading a book on the Internet for a device running on Android, pay attention to whether the book format is supported by your reader program. So, the iReader program reads books in the following formats: txt, html, chm, pdb, mobi pdb, umd, zTxt pdb. Aldiko Book Reader supports only one book format - epub. But on the other hand, it is very common, in this format you can find almost any book. The next similar program designed for reading books - Moon + Reader can read TXT, fb2, HTML, UMD, Epub formats. Cool Reader supports the most popular book formats: fb2,, rtf, txt, epub. FBReader supports fb2 (.zip), Mob, ePub formats. If you are interested in epub books, visit Here you can find many books of various genres and directions for devices running on Android OS. The search is conveniently structured and carried out by genre, author, language. Here you can download detective stories and action films, science fiction and fantasy, classic and adventure literature, historical novels, books of a philosophical and religious orientation. In addition, on this site you can find scientific and educational literature, encyclopedias, dictionaries and cheat sheets, children's literature, etc. Visit, here you will also find many books in different formats suitable for various Android-based reader programs. It presents works of such genre orientation as classics, science fiction, detective stories, adventures. On this site you can also download popular science and religious literature. Open the galaxy-ace resource - in addition to books for Android devices, various games and programs are available for download on it. The site has a user-friendly interface and a variety of materials offered. If you like reading books in the genre of adventure and fantasy, here you can easily find the works of interest to you.