When building engines, almost all automobile plants use technologies that do not consume the resource of the power unit at full capacity. This is done in order to increase the service life of the products. However, many car owners prefer their iron horse to develop more power. Forcing the engine can help with this. How can this be done?

Computer, firmware, cable, turbine, compressor, tools
Step 1
What is engine boost? This is an increase in the power of the power unit, which will allow the car to reach greater speed. Such modernization of your car can hit your pocket very hard, since such procedures in a car service cost a lot of money. However, there are alternative methods to increase the power of the power unit. One of them is the installation of a new electronic engine control program. This method is suitable for injection vehicles. An electronic unit is installed in such machines, which is responsible for injecting fuel into the combustion chambers. At the factory, a special program is installed in this block, which is responsible for the control of electronic injection. Factory programs are usually gentle in nature, that is, the fuel is partially burned. You can install the new firmware yourself. To do this, you will need the program itself in electronic form, a computer and a special cable. It is necessary to find a connector for the cable in the passenger compartment. Remove the plug, connect the computer to the car with a cable and install the program. This will increase the engine power up to 30-35%.
Step 2
There is another, more laborious and costly way to increase power - increasing the engine size. Typically, standard city cars have an engine capacity of about one and a half liters. This is quite enough for getting around the city. To achieve more volume, the cylinder head must be bored. this procedure will entail strengthening the cylinder block cover. It is also worth changing the valves. Forged are best suited. Remember grip. After all, it may simply not be able to withstand excessive power. The box will also have to be finalized.
Step 3
If you want to dramatically increase the power of your car, then think about installing a compressor or turbine. The first will improve traction at low revs, and the second will be able to significantly increase the top speed. It is worth noting that only engines with a volume of more than 1.6 liters can be turbocharged. If your power unit has a smaller volume, then it is best to increase it before installation. Installing the latest electronic combustion systems can also add several dozen horses under the hood, which will allow the fuel to completely burn in the engine cylinders and provide maximum efficiency. Finally, it must be said that almost all methods of forcing the engine increase the consumption of the car.