Computers take up most of our lives today. They are found everywhere - at work and at home, on the streets and in shops. Unfortunately, while using the computer, various system malfunctions may appear, which may affect the functioning of the equipment. The repair can cost the owner a large sum. So it's best to start taking proper care of your computer right away.

Step 1
Wipe the monitor with special wipes. They can be easily purchased at any computer store. Do not wipe the monitor with wet rags or glass cleaner. Otherwise, you will cause irreparable damage to him.
Step 2
Wipe the keyboard with a damp cloth every day. This is the most used part of the computer, so it harbors a lot of germs. You've probably noticed that there are places on the keyboard where it is impossible to get dirt. These areas can be cleaned with a brush. There is also a more radical way: turn the keyboard over and knock on the table several times.
Step 3
All other parts that are on the surface do not require special care. However, there are some general guidelines: wipe them down at least once a week and don't use a lot of water. In stores, you can buy special products designed exclusively for computer care.
Step 4
Clean the system unit. Use a screwdriver to open the housing cover. Remove dust from the ventilation grill and power supply. Hold the cooler with your finger and very carefully, using the minimum power, vacuum the parts.
Step 5
Remember to properly turn your computer on and off. It is better not to use a computer without the need for it. There must be at least 30 seconds between switching on and off. This rule cannot be ignored. During these intervals, various important processes take place inside the computer. Otherwise, the chances of shortening the life of your PC are high. If you need to remove the system unit from the network, wait until it is completely turned off.