Any thing will become unusable over time. This also applies to computers, which, in addition, are subject to obsolescence. If office and home computer equipment is often correctly updated, then its work will be more efficient. But at the same time, it is always a pity to take a car that has served its time in the trash. If you are faced with such a problem, then it is worth finding out where you can put your old computer.

So, first of all, it is worth deciding on the technical state of the computer. If you bought a computer more than five years ago, it still works, but it slows down, then this is not surprising - it no longer meets modern standards. After all, new software is constantly being released, which is often not suitable for old computers.
Where can you rent such a computer?
The simplest way to get rid of obsolete equipment, perhaps, is to sell it for spare parts. You will find many specialized firms that buy old equipment and repair it. You can display your product on message boards, online auctions, thematic forums. And someone prefers to act in the old fashioned way, placing an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of used office equipment. It is unlikely that much can be gained from such a sale, but nevertheless the mission will be completed - the old equipment will not take up space in the apartment, gathering dust there idle.
Sometimes special promotions are held in office equipment stores, during which old computers are accepted and exchanged for a new one, of course, with a surcharge. It should be lucky that you find such a promotion, because during it you can make a very profitable deal!
Rent for free
Have you decided to buy a new computer and just want to quickly free up space for it? Is the monetary benefit not important to you? Then you can give the old computer to those in need free of charge. They themselves will come to you for it! Now there are many options for where and to whom you can rent a computer for free. For example, to give it to a school or kindergarten, a boarding school, give it to orphans, various charitable organizations.
Even here, the advantage is obvious: you get rid of the old thing and do a good deed! Of course, it's up to you to decide who to give your old computer to!