The purchase of a laptop today involves certain costs, which will be quite significant for most families. But sellers in hardware stores do not take this circumstance into account and try to sell a lot of unnecessary things to an ordinary user with a laptop. What is not worth buying with a laptop, no matter how imposed by sales consultants?

What you don't have to buy with a laptop?
If you buy a laptop without an operating system, then you should not agree to pay for the disk with the system. The best way out is to ask friends or a competent wizard to install a free operating system of the Linux family (for example, the well-known Ubuntu) on a new PC. The usual "windows" are in it, but at the same time it will be even more stable.
You can also do without a paid antivirus, especially if you follow the previous point. Another way out is to use free software.
This is also not a very profitable purchase, especially since one of the latest tricks of the developer company is to sell a subscription for a year, that is, after the paid period has expired, the paid subscription will have to be renewed. Install the free office suite, which I already described earlier, is better.
if you don't need it for work and there are no free analogues for it.
To prevent the laptop from overheating, it is enough to put it on the table, and also periodically vacuum the room.
What exactly shouldn't you buy with a laptop?
Such a device is recommended for purchase with a stationary PC so that you can safely shut down the computer if the power is suddenly cut off. The laptop has a rechargeable battery that enables this.
The laptop already has built-in speakers. But headphones are worth buying in order to be able to listen to music and watch movies without disturbing others. However, there is no need to buy expensive headphones as the built-in sound card in most laptops does not produce amazing sound quality.
All of these bulbs, ashtrays, mini fridges or mini beverage warmers, vacuum cleaners, and other adult toys are not powerful enough to operate efficiently. Find and read the detailed stats for each item to realize that most of them are downright useless. Moreover, many gadgets connected to the USB ports of a PC can put too much strain on the computer's motherboard.