Why The Opera Is Closing

Why The Opera Is Closing
Why The Opera Is Closing

Opera is currently one of the most popular Internet browsers along with Firefox. Despite the frequent release of software updates and the greater reliability of its use, problems may occasionally appear when using this browser.

Why the Opera is closing
Why the Opera is closing

The most common reason for the arbitrary closing of Opera browser windows is viruses. Sometimes everything is solved with the help of a regular cleaning of the system with an anti-virus, and in some cases, for example, when a virus damages system files beyond recovery, a complete reinstallation of the program may be required. Download the Cure It utility from the official website of the Dr. Web anti-virus (https:// www. freedrweb.com/download+cureit/) and run a full scan of your computer for viruses, including RAM and boot sectors. Next, update the databases of your anti-virus program and check your computer again. Then try starting the Opera browser again. If after removing viruses from your computer, the browser still closes on its own without your participation, reinstall it. To do this, first perform the uninstallation through the corresponding menu of the "control panel", and then download the latest version from the site https://www.opera.com/. Complete the installation and make the necessary settings. In the parameters, specify the appearance of the dialog box before closing the "Opera". Pay attention to the additional plugins downloaded for your browser - many of them can cause the program to close. Trust only trusted developers and do not download add-ons from dubious sites. Check if any unknown process is running on your system when you close your browser. To do this, open the Task Manager and view the list of running programs and processes. If this problem occurs too often in your browser, try using alternative browsers, for example, Mozilla Firefox (https://mozilla-russia.org/), Safari (https://www.apple.com/ru/safari/download/) or any other. It is possible that the problem may lie precisely in the incompatibility of "Opera" with other software installed on your computer.