A processor (central processing unit or CPU) is the main component of a computer's hardware. It can be called the brain of a computer because it executes all machine instructions.

Step 1
Externally, the processor is a microcircuit or electronic unit. A microprocessor is a processor that is a small microcircuit. Many users equate processor and microprocessor with each other, but this is actually not the case.
Step 2
The microprocessor is installed in a special compartment of the motherboard of a personal computer. Performance depends on its power. A cooling system is installed for the processor, which allows it to avoid overheating.
Step 3
Special cells (registers), which are in the processor, are used to accommodate data and instructions that use this data. The essence of the processor's work is as follows. The required data and a certain set of commands are loaded from memory in the required sequence, after which they are executed. The sequence of commands is a program.
Step 4
The main characteristics of processors include speed and bit capacity. Speed is determined by the frequency of the processor, measured in megahertz and shows how many cycles per second the processor is capable of performing. 1 MHz equals 1,000,000 clock cycles.
Step 5
Inside the processor are millions of transistors and other electronic components. The main thing in a personal computer is the central processor, which executes the program code. But each hardware device has its own service processor. For example, a system bus processor or a video card processor.
Step 6
By the number of cores, processors are divided into single-core and multi-core. Multi-core processors are processors that have two or more cores in one package or on one computing die. Multiple cores can speed up the execution of applications that support multithreading.