It is convenient to play with joysticks from game consoles. In order to connect and synchronize the game joystick from the PS3 console, you need to install a special program.

Most modern games, including computer ones, are specially made for joystick control. For example, soccer simulations or racing are best played using a console gamepad. For this, a joystick from the Playstation 3 console can be used. If the user connects the Dualshock 3 gamepad to a computer, he can get the most out of almost any game.
Basic actions
In order to play your favorite applications using a gamepad, you do not need to suffer for a long time. You only need to connect the gamepad from the PS3 console to the computer using a USB cable. Another connection option involves using a Bluetooth adapter. It is in this case that you can play wirelessly. Of course, you need to connect and synchronize the Bluetooth adapter with your computer (if you use a joystick on a laptop, you won't need to buy such an adapter, since it is already built-in in most laptop models). After the user connects the joystick from the console to the computer, you will need to download and install a special program - MotionJoy Gamepad Tool. This program is seen by absolutely all games, which means that no one will have problems with synchronizing this software.
How to work with MotionJoy Gamepad Tool?
After the user installs this program, it is necessary to select the "Driver Manager" item. After that, special drivers will be downloaded, and the computer will think that you are connecting the joystick from the console. Next, you need to check the box "Xbox 360 Controller Emulator" and select your gamepad in the general list. The computer will assume that an XboX gamepad is connected to it. The only downside is that all the same button labels will be used as on the Xbox, but you can easily get used to it and get used to it. Next, you need to click the Enable button. Then you can enjoy the games using the PS3 joystick.
The MotionJoy Gamepad Tool software is ideal for use with both Playstation 3 and Xbox gamepads. Owners of both consoles can easily use it, and the process of launching joysticks on a computer is no different. As a result, the PS3 gamepad will work in the same way as with the console itself (vibration and all other nuances will be present and will not go anywhere).