You usually need to find out the motherboard model in order to install any drivers, or when you need to buy a new processor (or other components) in order to know if it is compatible with this motherboard. There are several ways to define a model, now we will list them.

- - screwdriver
- - programs
Step 1
The first way: the most radical, the most reliable is to simply open the system unit and see the model name on the motherboard itself. Now almost all manufacturers put the name of the model directly on the board or stick a sticker with the data about the model. The advantage of this method is that you will know your model exactly. True, there is also a minus - the inability to use this method if there are still seals on the block, and not every user will find the name.
Step 2
The second way: easier, but also requiring a little knowledge. The motherboard model can be viewed when starting the computer, when the system test is in progress, the so-called POST. The title will be written at the top of the screen. To have time to record it, you can press the "Pause" button on your keyboard when the POST window appears. The advantage of this method is the accuracy of determining the model of the motherboard. The downside is that not all computers support this method.
Step 3
The third, easiest method to use: if the previous methods do not suit you for some reason, then you will definitely like this one. There are special utilities (programs) to determine all the equipment installed on your computer, including, they can even recognize an external hard drive that is connected via USB, and also, they analyze and give information about the software filling of your PC. Some of these programs are: Everest, AIDA, SiS. The programs are paid, but, fortunately, there are special free versions, which are slightly reduced in functionality. The advantage of this method of determining the model of the motherboard: ease - everyone can find, download or buy, and then install on a computer, the programs support Russian, so even a little girl will understand how and where to look at a certain parameter. The disadvantage of this method: everything would be fine, but such programs often give incorrect results, and not only by determining the model of the motherboard, but also by other parameters, for example, they show the wrong processor temperature, etc.