Each character is encoded in hexadecimal code. Knowing the code of a certain character, you can insert it into the text, even if it is not on the keyboard. You can find out the code of a particular symbol using special programs, or use another method.

Step 1
Use the Symbol Map component. With its help, you can find out the code of the symbol you are interested in. Go to the start menu. Then select "All Programs", then "Standard", then "Utilities" and finally "Symbol Table". If you want to quickly identify the symbol, then press the keyboard shortcut Win + R. The Launch Programs dialog box will open. Enter charman at the command line. Then click the OK button.
Step 2
Find the symbol you are interested in in the table that appears. Click on it with the left mouse button. The hexadecimal Unicode character appears in the lower left corner of the table. Also, after a colon in the same place, you will find the name of the same symbol, but in English. To find out the symbol and its serial number, look in the lower right corner of the window. The prefix Alt + is followed by the ordinal number of the given character in the ASCII table.
Step 3
Start the text editor Microsoft Word to find the symbol. This editor has a table similar to the one discussed above. To start it, on the toolbar, select the "Insert" menu item, then "Symbol". A table will appear. To find out the character code, select it and look at it in the "Character code" field.
Step 4
Use character tables available on the Internet. This is a fairly effective alternative software tool for determining the code of characters that are not included in the standard operating system sets. As a rule, these tables are oriented to provide a code of symbols, which will then be placed on web pages. Also, on the Internet you can find ready-to-insert source HTML pages. If you discard unnecessary prefixes in the written program code, you can get an encoding of more than ten thousand characters.