To insert a clip into a presentation, you need to pay attention first of all to the recording formats supported by the version of the program. In cases of non-compliance with the program requirements, this action may not be possible.

- - MS Power Point program;
- - program - decoder.
Step 1
Before adding a video to your Power Point presentation, pay attention to the file format as it must be supported by the version of the Microsoft Office software installed on your computer.
Step 2
If the format is supported, go directly to the process of adding a clip, but if the resolution is unacceptable for this program, download and install a converter program for video files on your computer that works with the specified and target extensions. After decoding, select the video in Power Point when you open the presentation.
Step 3
Open your slideshow to which you want to add a previously prepared video in the future. Open the menu of the program "Video and Sounds" on the tab of insertion elements, click on the choice of a movie from a file and specify the path to the directory containing the video in the dialog box.
Step 4
Add a movie by first selecting it with the mouse button. Set the launch to automatic or scheduled order and apply the changes. In cases where the video recording resolution is unsupported by the software, the directory will be empty or other files that it supports will be displayed in it. Their permissions will be listed on the very bottom line.
Step 5
In the 2007 version of Power Point, also select Insert, but from here, move on to Media Clips. In this case, the number of supported file formats increases. In Power Point 2010, in Normal Slide View, select the slide where you want to insert the snippet. In the menu for inserting media clips, also select the desired file. This version of the software also supports FLV video insertion, which is different from 2007.