The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that contains information about the configuration and settings of a system. Unskillful modification of its contents may lead to the need to reinstall Windows. How to prevent inexperienced users from modifying the registry?

Step 1
There are several ways to prevent users from editing the registry. From the Start menu, choose the Run option and type gpedit.msc into the command window. In the right part of the opened window of the "Group Policy" screen, double-click on the item "User Configuration".
Step 2
In a new window, double-click "Administrative Templates", then in the same way click on the "System" item. In the right part of the new window, find "Make Registry Editing Tools Unavailable." Call the drop-down menu by clicking the right mouse button and select the "Properties" option. Check the box "Enabled". Under "Disable starting regedit without warning?" you can choose from the list the value "Yes" or "No".
Step 3
There is a way to prevent the execution of the regedit.exe command. For other commands, registry editing will be available. Enter regedit on the command line. The Registry Editor window will open.
Step 4
Open HKCurrentUser / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies. From the Edit menu, choose the New and Section options. Enter the name of the System section. From the Edit menu, create a Dword using the New command and enter the name of the parameter, DisableRegistryTools. Double click on the name and assign a value to it. If the value is 1, editing the registry is prohibited, if 0 - it is allowed.
For complete success, it is best to confirm the ban through Group Policy as described above.
Step 5
From the Start menu, open All Programs, Accessories, and Notepad. Write the code in it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVerson / Policies / System]
"DisableRegistryTools" = dword: 00000001
Add an empty line. Save the entry as edit.reg. Close Notepad and double-click on the file you just created. The new parameter is added to the registry. If you need to remove the ban on editing, open this file in Notepad and change the parameter value to 0:
dword: 00000000