The power supply is an important element in the computer system unit. Its main function is to distribute voltage between all devices in the computer. Most often, the possibility of purchasing a similar power supply unit is simply not available. Based on this, you need to take into account several extremely important factors that will help avoid problems with the subsequent installation of the power supply and its connection. By the way, an incorrectly selected power supply can lead to damage to the rest of the equipment.

Crosshead screwdriver
Step 1
First, install the power supply into the case of the system unit. There is a special place for this on the back of the case. If the convex elements of the power supply do not coincide with the holes in the case, cut out new ones. Screw the power supply to the system unit tightly to prevent the first from falling.
Step 2
The main items that need to be connected directly to the power supply are the motherboard, hard drives, and disc drives. There is usually only one connection option to the motherboard. This slot is shaped like a rectangle with square holes and has twenty or twenty four channels.
Step 3
Connectors for connecting hard drives and drives are divided into three main types: compatible with IDE, SATA and SATA2. Choose a power supply that has the type of connectors you want. Please note that there are power supplies that have connectors for several types of connection. They are very convenient, because one system unit can contain hard drives with SATA and IDE connectors at the same time. In the case of an IDE connector, the connector is a four-channel rectangle with two truncated corners. This is done in order not to insert the connector the other way. SATA hard drives are powered through a wider, flatter connector.