How To Create Your Own Line Type In AutoCAD

How To Create Your Own Line Type In AutoCAD
How To Create Your Own Line Type In AutoCAD

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Line is one of the most common and popular graphics properties in Autocad. Developers use different types of them when constructing drawings: dotted, thin, thick and many others, for example, including letters.

How to create your own line type in AutoCAD
How to create your own line type in AutoCAD


Step 1

Find files with *.lin extension in the folder with the installed AutoCAD application. They just describe all types of lines used in the program. There can be several types of lines in one file. The program loads data from files using a browser. AutoCAD standard linesets are in two files: acadiso.lin, acad.lin.

Step 2

You can add a new line type to one of these files, but it is better not to do this, because they can be overwritten in the event of a system failure or reinstallation. Store the author's lines, designed by you, in separate files, saved in other folders. It is not recommended to store your own AutoCAD lines on the system disk, it is better to use a different disk partition.

Step 3

Launch Notepad or any other text editor to create your own linetype. For example, you want to create your own line for AutoCAD, consisting of a sequence of points, spaces and dashes. To do this, select a fragment that is repeated when drawing a line, i.e. which is basic.

Step 4

Then determine the dimensions of the component parts of the fragment. When used in the future, it will be repeated to the desired length. For example, if your line looks like -. … -., then it must consist of the following sequence of characters: dash of unit length, space of unit length, point, space of unit length, point, space of unit length.

Step 5

Next, describe the code to create the line file. * "Line name", "Line description", A (line element), then X1 … XN (the components of the new line type are listed separated by commas). When using a stroke, specify its length (positive number); if using a space, also specify the length, but as a negative number. To include a point in the line, specify zero. So you can get the code of the following type * Mynewline, Line type example A, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1.
