In the system of races and classes of the popular online game Lineage 2, the race of gnomes occupies a separate place. It does not include mystical classes, knight classes, enchanters, and summoners. Gnomes are only warriors, with only two types (gatherer and blacksmith). However, these classes are simply irreplaceable in the game. The blacksmith has a unique ability to make items, and the gatherer has the ability to get additional resources from monsters. The higher the level of the gnome, the higher the skill levels, the more valuable such a character is. And to increase the level, you need to pump the gnome.

- - Internet connection;
- - installed client Lineage II;
- - account on the official server Lineage II.
Step 1
Start character development. Immediately after its creation, move to the Kamael village using a special teleport scroll from your inventory. Complete the series of quests offered by NPC Markella. Move to the village of gnomes, contact the NPC "Newbie Helper". Following his instructions, go through a series of quests in this village. After reaching level 18, complete the quest for the first profession, and then the quests "Path of Destiny" and "Disturbing News". The character level will become 21 or 22.
Step 2
Upgrade the gnome to level 40. After completing your first class transfer, purchase and use a D-grade heavy armor set. Purchase a spear and club (also D-grade). Go to the location "Fortification of the partisans". Raise the level of your character to 28-30 by collecting and killing large groups of monsters (the so-called "locomotives") with a spear. Moving across the location to higher-level monsters, raise the character's level to 36. Start completing quests for the second profession. Level up in hunting zones based on the data in the map dashboard. Get a second class transfer.
Step 3
Develop your character to level 61 in order to be able to wear items of rank A. Buy weapons, jewelry and armor of rank C. You will need to buy a spear and a two-handed club (a gnome of the "gatherer" class can buy a dagger instead of a club). At levels 40-61, it makes sense to choose the Plated Leather Set as your main armor set due to the unique bonus. It's good if all set items are upgraded to +6. At level 52, it is advisable to change weapons and jewelry for items of rank B. Fast options for pumping at these levels also consist in "driving steam locomotives". In this case, blacksmith-class dwarves can use an exploding golem for hunting in the Tanor Canyon location. The leveling takes place quite quickly in the location "Magic Valley" in tandem with the character of the class "Sage Shillen" due to the presence of the skills "Blessing of Blood" and "Stigma Shillene".
Step 4
Reach level 76 and complete the quests for the third profession. After reaching level 61, swap your armor and weapons for A-grade items. You will have to choose between the Tallum Heavy Armor Set, which gives an increase in attack speed, and the Majestic Heavy Armor Set, which increases stun protection and STR, but decreases CON. Immediately from level 61, you can start pumping in the "Garden of Monsters" location. Blacksmith-class dwarves paired with a Shillen Sage character can quickly take multiple levels in the Ancient Battlefield using an exploding golem. At level 70-76, it is beneficial to develop a gnome in the "Abandoned Workshop" location. Very good pumping in "Hot Springs" at levels 72 and above (here it is better to use the "Great Majesty Heavy Armor Set"). It is also worth trying the location "Cooking Fauns Camp".
Step 5
Develop your character to level 85. Swap your weapons, armor and jewelry for S-grade items. Upgrade your weapons and armor with attribute stones. Take part in raid bosses to get valuable items. After reaching level 76, development without a group becomes very difficult. Therefore, focus on interaction with other players. Use the map info panel to find upgrade locations.