The Enchant skill in Skyrim is responsible for endowing weapons and items with magical properties. A player with this skill will be able to create enchanted weapons that surpass most of the usual samples in their characteristics, and the armor created by him will have a constant bonus when wearing them.

Step 1
In order to quickly and free of charge pump the Enchanting skill in Skyrim, use the tutorials. Start searching caves and other secluded places along the way in search of useful books. So, for this, in the Whiterun location, it is worth inspecting the house of Carlotta Valentia, and in the Riften location, a house called Medovik. In addition, textbooks on enchanting are located at Trevskaya Zastava and the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon. Once you find the tutorial, just open it and your Enchant skill will increase significantly.
Step 2
Another way to improve this skill is to study the Soul Catcher spell and find or buy many of the cheapest soul gems. Using a spell on enemies, kill them, thereby filling the soul stones. In accordance with the number of filled stones, collect decorations and weapons you do not need.
Step 3
Now, on the enchanting table, combine the soul gems and the selected items. Choose the effect they will have upon creation and craft the item. With each item created, your Enchant skill will grow, allowing you to create more powerful things, the creation of which, in turn, will increase this skill even more.
Step 4
A quick but expensive way to level up Enchantments in Skyrim is to find a teacher. To do this, find the Mages Guild (College of Winterhold) and talk to its inhabitants. During the dialogue, find out what they can teach you. Pay those magicians who can teach you Enchanting, after which they will increase this skill of your character.
Step 5
Another way to develop the Enchant skill is to find a lone magician who will agree to teach you. Pay him for a skill upgrade. After that, using the skills Stealth and Theft, steal the money you paid for training from him. Again ask him to teach you and rob you again. After the fifth time, he will no longer be able to teach you.
Step 6
If you do not want to spend time and money on pumping a skill, just open the console by pressing the tilde key ("~"). In the line enter: "advskill Enchanting 100" and your Enchanting skill will instantly acquire the maximum value.