Crete is a character class for online multiplayer games. It is distinguished by huge damage inflicted on the enemy, usually with the help of axes and daggers. But the disadvantage of such a character will be a small amount of health and a small chance of survival in battle.

a computer with Internet access
Step 1
Go to the online game site to register a character and perform a crit boost. This character class is found in almost all games. Take Fight Club as an example. Enter in the address bar of your browser. Select the "Register" option. Fill in the standard form fields to create a crit character.
Step 2
Distribute your parameters after character creation. Add one to strength, two to endurance. In subsequent increases in the zero level, pump exactly these characteristics. For the first level, you need to get 7-3-4-8 modifiers. Fight with a fist. Don't add parameters to agility. When you go to the 3rd level, you should have the following indicators: 8-3-15-2.
Step 3
Purchase jars of intuition when you go to the 4th level, drink them all until you get addicted to intuition. Get things from the sewers this month. Walk through the caves to gain experience and take the fifth level of critical pumping. Experience is certainly better to get in battles if you have friends who will guide you. You will also need teeth.
Step 4
Take the dark metal ring on the fifth level. Get 3 parameters of agility and 3 strength, throw the rest into intuition. On subsequent levels, you must have 75 intuition points. This gives MF Crete 425, and 300 Anticrite. Acquire an altar ring and collect bloody fees.
Step 5
Upgrade the animal at level 8, also dig caves. You need to achieve parameters 35-20-100-30. Get two stats from the cave, get bracers of talents, as well as the Leggings of Dusk and the Helm of Dreams. Raise the fbk to the seventh level. You also need to get the knighthood of the cap in order to pump crit with high damage and get the opportunity to use Energy restoration scrolls (+120) in battles. In addition, you will need enchanted items and bracers of giftedness.