There are several ways to check busy ports on your computer. In particular, if during the scan it is found that some ports are occupied by non-system or network processes, then we can assume that malicious software is already on the system.

Step 1
First of all, in order to prevent such a situation, it is necessary that security software is installed on the computer. And, of course, it is desirable that it be effective. The fact is that some free antiviruses / firewalls simply do not cope with their task in the long term, so there is a possibility of a virus entering the system. For high-quality protection, Kaspersky Internet Security is suitable. However, it is possible that before such software was installed, malware had already infiltrated the open port.
Step 2
For a quick test, an online port test is suitable. You need to follow the link and wait for the results. If during the analysis a port is detected (separately marked in red), then you really have an open port - a potential threat to the security of the operating system. Such a port needs to be closed urgently. It also speaks of your ineffective protection
Step 3
To get rid of the problem urgently, you need to install the Windows Worms Doors Cleaner utility (by the link The application does not require installation and is easy to use. After you close the malicious port (identified during the test), you need to restart the computer
Step 4
After a temporary and quick solution, you need to install high-quality software to maintain the further security of the operating system, i.e. avoid repeating the situation. Also, in order to get rid of the consequences of malicious actions, you should check the system using some utilities (for example, AVZ, IObit Security 360). You should also disable the "anonymous user" through AVZ in the settings (if enabled).