There are several ways to check busy ports. It is simply necessary to periodically check ports for security purposes, since, while working on the Internet, there is a possibility that viruses or other malicious software will be transmitted to you through an open port.

Step 1
The most important point of this problematics is the protection of your computer. So that from the very beginning it was not possible for various viruses to penetrate the operating system, you need to have a good protection system. It is important to consider that protection must be effective. Frequently, free antiviruses or small firewalls cannot cope with this task. Therefore, it is advisable to install an antivirus like Kaspersky Internet Security on your computer, and Outpost Firewall is quite effective from firewalls.
Step 2
The easiest way to check for open and, accordingly, potentially dangerous ports is to do an online test using the website (by link It is possible that the analysis will identify potentially dangerous ports that should be closed. After completing the test, write down the ports marked in red separately, since they are the ones that need to be closed. If there are no ports written in red, then open ports do not threaten your system
Step 3
To get rid of open and potentially dangerous ports right away (as a temporary solution), you can use a small utility Windows Worms Doors Cleaner that does not require installation (follow the link When you open the application, you need to close the ports that are marked in red in the test. Then restart your computer
Step 4
Further preventive maintenance of the operating system is necessary because the system had an open port, possibly used by malware. The most dangerous function of the system that such applications activate is the so-called. "Anonymous user". It is best to disable it using a small utility AVZ (