The words "because", "because", "due to", "in connection with" refer to different parts of speech (conjunctions and prepositions), but serve the same purpose - to start a subordinate sentence, which sets out the reason for the action of the main sentence. The last of the words has, in addition to the meaning of the preposition, other meanings, due to which confusion often arises in spelling.

Step 1
If the conjunction "in connection with …" is used at the beginning of a sentence in the sense of the word "because", all parts of the union are written separately. After the associated word (especially the sentence), a comma is put: "In connection with the modernization of production, some of the employees were sent on vacation." "Due to the fact that you never come to work on time, I entrusted this matter to Nikolai."
The stress in this case falls on the second syllable of the word: in connectionʹ.
Step 2
In a similar sense, but at the end of the sentence, the stress remains in the same place, but the comma is not used: "He was fired due to a categorical unwillingness to do his job." An exception for difficult subordinate sentences: "The prosecutor came in due to the fact that a neighbor wrote a complaint against me."
Step 3
If the expression is used to mean proximity, contact, all parts are still written separately: "The president of the company was suspected of being connected with the underworld."
The stress falls on the first syllable: in connection.