Not all users have a high-speed unlimited internet connection. For those who pay for the used traffic, the issues of saving it become quite relevant.

Step 1
There are several main ways to reduce traffic. First of all, you should block ads and flash in your browser. Disallow pop-ups. If the issue of saving traffic is very acute, disable the viewing of graphics. You can always view the desired picture by right-clicking it and selecting "Show" in the context menu.
Step 2
Use browsers that have their own cache. The presence of a cache allows you to save traffic when you visit the same pages again. In addition, pages open faster, since some of the data is flushed out of the cache. Opera AC browser is very convenient in this respect. This is the Opera browser, modified by the user community, with many additional settings. The Mozilla Firefox browser also has its own cache.
Step 3
To save traffic, it is very convenient to use the Handy Cache caching proxy server, you can freely download this program on the Internet. A proxy server is embedded between the Internet and the browser, passing all traffic through itself and writing the data marked in the program settings to the cache. At the same time, traffic savings can reach 50% or more.
Step 4
A significant reduction in traffic consumption can be achieved by using the services of free Internet services that perform gzip-compression of pages. One of the best services of this kind is Web Warper: The user pays for the compression of the pages by viewing the advertising banner at the top of the pages being opened.
Step 5
An ad banner can be easily cut using the Handy Cache proxy server mentioned above. To do this, open the source code of the page viewed through, find the ad unit script string in it, and paste it into the proxy filter. The banner ad will stop appearing on your pages.
Step 6
Another good service of this kind is a traffic compressor: True, the best quality is achieved only with a paid subscription. In free mode, the service is often unavailable or slow.