How To Increase The Cache

How To Increase The Cache
How To Increase The Cache

When the unlimited Internet is connected, you can not think about traffic and load whatever pages you want. But if there are limitations or the speed is not very high, then it makes sense to increase the browser cache.

When the browser cache is small, information is deleted from it very quickly. As a result, pages take longer to load. However, you can fix this by going to your browser settings.

Internet Explorer

To increase the cache in Internet Explorer, open the browser menu, which is represented by a gear icon in the upper right corner and go to the "Internet Options" tab. It has a "General" section, in which you need to find the "Browsing history" tab and click on the "Options" button. Then in the window opposite to the inscription "Used disk space" set the required value in megabytes and click the "OK" button.

Mozilla Firefox

To increase the cache in Mozilla Firefox, go to the browser menu and select the tabs in the following sequence: "Settings" - "Advanced" - "Network". Then you need to find the item "Disable automatic cache management" and put a tick on it. After that, you can set the desired size in megabytes, which will subsequently be used for the cache.


You can increase the cache in Opera by opening the tabs in the following order: "Menu" - "Settings" - "General settings" - "Advanced". After that, the "History" item is selected in the left side menu. Then, in the "Disk cache" section, you can select the optimal cache size from the drop-down list.

Google Chrome and Yandex

There is no need to increase the cache size in Google Chrome and Yandex on your own, since such a function is not included in its settings. However, do not get upset and change them to others, since the caches of these browsers are dynamic, that is, they expand as needed. For this reason, users do not have to worry about traffic, and if the Internet speed has noticeably decreased recently, then it is recommended to contact the provider with this question.

If you still need to increase the cache in Google Chrome or Yandex, then you should select the "Properties" item, go to the "Shortcut" tab, then in the "Object" field, where after the word browser.exe you need to put a space and insert the following content into this line: -disk-cache-dir = "C: / YandexCache" -disk-cache-size = 1073741824. For Google Chrome, the inscription will be like this: -disk-cache-dir = "c: / chromeсache" -disk-cache-size = 1073741824. Then you need to press the "OK" button. Thus, it will be possible to increase the cache size to 1GB.
