Why The Computer Is Harmful

Why The Computer Is Harmful
Why The Computer Is Harmful

Until relatively recently, a person did without a computer. At present, the computer makes our work easier and opens up new possibilities. But along with the undoubted benefits, the computer also poses a considerable threat to human health.

Why the computer is harmful
Why the computer is harmful

First of all, long-term work at the computer negatively affects vision. Many people, some time after working at the monitor, begin to feel a burning sensation in the eyes, pain, pain. This is due to the fact that during operation, the distance from the eyes to the monitor remains unchanged, the muscles of the eyes, which regulate accommodation, are in constant tension. Also, with prolonged work, the risk of such diseases increases: myopia, hyperopia, glaucoma.

Among people who spend a long time at the computer, there is a high incidence of hemorrhoids. During this disease, the veins in the lower part of the rectum dilate due to stagnation of blood in them. This happens with a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. Also, working at a computer leads to neuromuscular diseases. Fingers and hands are especially exposed to them. With prolonged use, the fingertips are in constant irritation. After a certain period of time, this can lead to depletion of the nerve pathways that connect the cerebral cortex with the fingers. Impaired coordination of finger movements may occur.

Prolonged sitting at the computer often causes curvature of the spine, since a person spends a long time in a relatively immobile state. Children are most susceptible to this. In adults, a herniated disc may develop, which ultimately leads to sciatica. Headaches often appear from working at the computer. They arise from the fact that very heavy loads fall on the brain, overstrain appears. Tinnitus, nausea, dizziness may occur. The computer causes computer addiction, especially in children. Many people neglect a normal diet while working, which leads to digestive problems.
