How To Fix An Optical Mouse

How To Fix An Optical Mouse
How To Fix An Optical Mouse

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An optical mouse is an essential attribute of any computer. Even the owners of portable laptops buy a "rodent" because it is much more convenient to work with. But quite often the mouse breaks down. Do not rush to throw out your non-working device, because you can try to reanimate it.

How to fix an optical mouse
How to fix an optical mouse


  • - latex gloves;
  • - a set of screwdrivers of different sizes;
  • - magnifier;
  • - soldering iron;
  • - scissors or clerical knife.


Step 1

Find out the symptoms of a broken optical mouse. They can be completely different. If the mouse has become too slow or too fast to respond to your movements, then the problem may lie in the knocked down settings on the computer. In a special menu, you can customize the sensitivity level of your device.

Step 2

Examine the mechanism of the buttons carefully if any of them stopped responding to pressing. Clogged dirt can be the cause. Carefully unscrew all bolts connecting the two body parts. Find all the plastic clips. Expand them. Do everything very smoothly and carefully so as not to accidentally break the fragile plastic latches.

Step 3

Clean the inside of the mouse with a semi-hard brush. Examine the broken button itself. Check its functionality without the plastic case. If it functions without it, then an abraded part of the case may become the cause of breakdown, due to which the button is not pressed all the way. In this case, restore the worn-out element with glue or epoxy.

Step 4

Check all wire connections. Connect your mouse to your computer and see if the red optical element on the back is lit. Never point it at your eyes, as this laser beam can negatively affect the retina!

Step 5

Take out the lens and check its integrity. If it is scratched, the old lens should be replaced with a new one. You can try using a mouse without a lens, but the clarity of the response to movements will be noticeably worse.

Step 6

A common cause of breakage is the chafing of the wire at the hole in the optical mouse case. In this case, cut off a piece of the wire, strip it and re-solder it into the connectors.

Step 7

If none of the above methods helped you to repair the mouse, then take it to a specialist or buy a new one.
