In order to acquire any skill, a person needs a certain amount of time, a certain amount of training. This also applies to the ability to use the keyboard. With constant training, you will achieve this skill very quickly. And then all that remains is to support him.

Step 1
Why do you need keyboard skills? Maybe this is an opportunity for you to earn money or a way to save time. In any case, strong motivation is needed. The learning process will be long, requiring perseverance and constant training.
Step 2
Take your time, although you want to learn how to use the keyboard as quickly as possible. The most important thing is to correctly coordinate the movements of your fingers across the keyboard. Your task is to develop the muscle memory of your fingers to the point where the typing process is practically out of control.
Step 3
First, evaluate the speed with which you are typing. On average, it is 200-250 characters per minute. Correlate with your result. Now you know what to strive for.
Step 4
In order to learn to type quickly, you need to master typing with all ten fingers. And, preferably, blindly. Place your fingers correctly on the keyboard. Place the fingers of your left hand on the keys F, S, B, and A. If this position of the fingers is inconvenient for you, there is another option. Try the keys Y, B, A and M. Accordingly, place the fingers of your right hand on O, L, D, F or on T, O, L, D. Remember the location of the fingers. Now start typing. Don't try to do it quickly. The main condition is not to look at the keyboard. If you still want to spy, there is an extreme step. Cover the keys. As a hint, next to the keyboard, you can put its diagram. And practice as much as possible by typing!
Step 5
Special sites that offer the services of simulators for practicing the skill of ten-finger touch typing will help you in practicing the skill of high-speed typing. Use the services of the School of Fast Printing, the Keyboard Trainer The program "Solo on the keyboard" can be downloaded or used online There are sites that help you practice high-speed typing skills in the form of a game. For example,
Step 6
The easiest but most effective way to master fast typing is to communicate a lot on the Internet, to have your own blog, and to correspond with friends. If you are not a fan of virtual communication, type large texts. Remember the main thing: you can learn to use the keyboard fluently only as a result of constant training.