BIOS (Basic Input / Output System) is a program built into the motherboard that launches an autotest of the computer hardware when it is turned on, transfers control to the operating system after a successful test, and ensures interaction between the hardware and software.

BIOS settings
The BIOS contains the settings for the date and system clock of the computer, the order of boot devices (floppy disk, optical drive, hard disk, flash drive), the state of the hardware integrated into the motherboard (enabled or disabled), peripheral settings that do not work in PnP mode, overclocking or restoring factory settings, etc. To view or change the settings, you need to go to the BIOS menu. This is done during the initial boot of the computer by pressing a key, usually Del, F2, F10 or Esc.
BIOS data is stored in a volatile chip located on the motherboard. The microcircuit is called ROM (read only memory) and is powered by a round battery with a nominal voltage of 3V, also located on the motherboard.
A discharged battery can cause date / time to fail and problems with loading the operating system.
How to find out your BIOS version
If your computer is running Windows XP, click "Start", go to "Programs", "Accessories", "System Tools" and select "System Information". BIOS information is contained in the list of system elements on the right side of the window. There is also another way. Press the Win and R keys and enter msinfo32.exe in the Open box.
On a computer running Windows 7, click on the "Start" button and write "System Information" in the search bar. The window that opens will contain the necessary information.
Why update the BIOS
A BIOS update is required if its settings do not support the new hardware; there is a conflict with the software installed on the computer; computer overclocking is planned; the virus has corrupted the BIOS settings. For example, a new firmware is needed if the old motherboard does not see large-capacity hard drives or does not consider the flash drive as a bootable device.
If the computer is working properly, it is better not to touch the BIOS, since the slightest failure during the firmware can lead to the inoperability of the computer.
How to update BIOS
New BIOS versions are posted on the websites of motherboard manufacturers along with instructions for firmware. You need to accurately determine the model of your motherboard. This can be done using the free CPU-Z or PC Wizard programs. It is highly advisable to connect the computer to an uninterruptible power supply, since a power outage during the firmware will lead to fatal consequences. Carefully read the instructions for the firmware posted on the site and follow them carefully.