The.tmp extension is a temporary file that can also have a.temp extension. All temporary files have the same extension, but they can be created by different programs. In this regard, it is often difficult to understand which of the programs created such a file and where this file came from on the hard disk.

In some cases, the.tmp part of a file name makes it clear to users what program the file was created by. For example, a file named 2014_annual_report.tmp is an MS Office document. In addition, the file's belonging to a particular program can be determined by its location. So, for example, if a file is located in the Temp temporary folder located in the main application folder, then most likely the file itself was created by this program.
Why programs create.tmp files
Temporary files are created primarily for the purpose of backing up or temporarily storing documents. Many programs back up files every few minutes when the user uses the files of those applications. In this case, in the event of a sudden program crash or computer shutdown, the user will be able to restore the file from the temporary file created by the program.. Tmp files are usually deleted by the program itself automatically after it is closed.
However, due to program crashes, some files that should be removed automatically may remain on the computer's hard drive. They can constantly accumulate so that the user will not even notice it.
Finally, web browsers create temporary files to store user data such as cookies and browsing history.
Manual removal of.tmp files
Before deleting temporary files manually, you need to make sure that these files are actually temporary and will not be necessary for the program to work in the future. If you are sure that these files will no longer be useful, it is still better to first place them in the trash, and after some time, delete them from there.
Automatic deletion of.tmp files
Periodically, it is necessary to mass delete temporary files using special programs that automate this process. For example, Windows 7 has a built-in cleanmgr.exe application that has other powerful features. In order to use this utility, you need to go to "Disk Properties" by right-clicking on it in the folder and selecting the appropriate section.
Next, on the "General" tab, click the "Disk Cleanup" button. Then, in the window that opens, check the box opposite the two icons with the words "Temporary Internet files" and Downloaded program files, and then click the OK button. Further, the system itself will delete all unnecessary files.
How to open a.tmp file
The easiest way to open a.tmp file is by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. In this case, Windows will automatically select the required program to open such a file.
To determine an application that can open.tmp, you can use special online services, for example,, which allows you to analyze the file for free for belonging to a particular application.
If none of the programs installed in Windows is associated with such a file, the operating system will prompt you to select the required application from the list to open the file manually. If none of the programs offered by Windows are suitable, you can familiarize yourself with the contents of the file in a graphical editor, for example, Notepad.