The console is a command line interface. In this case, the computer receives instructions by the user entering text commands from the keyboard. The Command Line Console is available on all versions of the Windows operating system. The ability to write in it is very important, because many OS management functions are not available from the graphical interface and the only tool with which you can use these functions is the command line.

Personal Computer
Step 1
To bring up a command prompt, click Start → Run. In the window that opens, in the "Open" line, enter the name of the program (cmd.exe) and click OK.
You can call the console in another way. Click Start → All Programs → Accessories → Command Prompt.

Step 2
Customize the command line for a better experience. To do this, in the command line, click on the window title in the upper left corner. In the drop-down menu, select the "Properties" option, then the "General" tab. In the Remembering Commands subsection, in the Buffer Size box, enter 999. This will allow you to scroll in the Command Prompt window. In the Number of Buffers field, enter 5. This will increase the number of lines in the Command Prompt window to 5000.
Step 3
In the "Insert" area, select the check boxes next to the "Selection" and "Quick Insert" options. This will allow you to copy and paste the data into the console. In the Screen Buffer Size and Window Size areas, increase the Height and Width values. After entering all the parameter changes, click OK.
Step 4
Now you can use the console. Just type the name of the command you want and press Enter. For example, the dir command lists the files and subdirectories of a directory.
Step 5
To copy the text from the window, click on the console title, select the "Edit" option from the drop-down menu, and then select the "Mark" subsection. Highlight the required text and press Enter. To close the command line (exit the console) run the exit command.