To fully work with the Microsoft Word text editor, you must have basic knowledge: the ability to design fields, set the desired format, and also structure the document according to the specified parameters, which includes the design of a bulleted list.

Step 1
If, after typing ordinary paragraphs, you need to create a bulleted list or turn already printed lines into it, then click the Format button on the taskbar at the top of the open window, then select the List command from the drop-down menu. If the menu appears in a shortened version, it expands by clicking on the circle icon with a double arrow at the bottom. The finished text, broken into lines and to be formatted, before performing these actions, is highlighted by pressing and holding the left mouse button moving along the mat.
Step 2
In the small window that opens, you need to select the first tab with the appropriate name, and then click on the sample list with the required marker: bold point, square, checkmark. Then you should press the "OK" button and adjust the format to the required one manually, or perform this operation using a new window that appears after clicking on the "Change" command. It allows you not only to change the list icon, finding another in a more extensive list, but also to set a different font size for the symbol, or even change it to an arbitrary drawing, which can be useful when drawing up congratulations and other colorful documents. Inserting a picture instead of ordinary symbols is carried out through the "Import" button.
Step 3
A separate function is the specification of the marker position - if you skip this option, the form of the list may not match the specified parameters. The marker indent is the distance between it and the left margin of the document, a kind of red line. It is allowed to set it as 0 cm or move it slightly away from the border of the rest of the text. "Tab" in the "Text Position" column refers to the location of the first word in the line relative to the marker. The value in this cell cannot be less than the value in the previous one, which denotes the indentation of the character. If they match, then the text is close to the numbered list. The indentation of the text denotes the place of the following lines in one paragraph, they can look the same as the rest of the text, or move somewhat away from the left margin.
Step 4
Users who prefer to work outside of menus and dialog boxes can use the corresponding icon in the format bar. By clicking on it in place of the cursor or selected lines, a numbered list is obtained, which is formatted using tabs and the position of the text on the top ruler. Moving the black tab stop will move the first word of the first line, the upper triangle will move the marker location, and the lower triangle on the platform will move the rest of the in-list text.