Formatting a hard disk is a procedure after which the information on the disk is erased. It happens that formatting is done by accident or by mistake. Is it possible in this case to recover information? Not always, but it's worth trying to do something.

It is necessary
data recovery utilities
Step 1
Formatting erases all information from the hard disk. The operating system checks if the clusters on the disk are reliable, marks bad blocks - bad sectors, and also creates an entry in the hard disk table. This table stores information about all the files that are written to the disk, thanks to it, you can refer to the selected file using its address (which is exactly what is stored in the table), and not look through the entire hard disk in search of a file. In other words, this is a table of contents.
Step 2
If you have accidentally formatted your hard drive and want to recover information, the first thing to remember is that nothing can be written to this drive. If you write other files to a formatted disk, then you will definitely not be able to restore the previous ones.
Step 3
You can recover a disk using special utilities. Of course, none of them completely guarantees the result, but still the probability is quite high. the entire disk is not cleared, only the file address table is deleted. That is, the files themselves are still stored on the disk, the utilities find them and restore them.
Step 4
File Recovery is free. This is a fairly effective program if you need to recover information after formatting. It is simple, everyone can understand it. You need to connect the disk to the computer on which the utility of your choice is installed, and then select the data recovery after formatting from the menu.
Step 5
The GetDataBack utility is more efficient than the previous one, but it already costs money. It is also a very simple program that, moreover, has detailed and easy-to-use help information. The utility will list all the files that it found on the formatted disk, and you can choose which ones you would like to recover. The program supports the Russian language.
Step 6
There are other utilities as well. They all work in about the same way. These are very simple programs, no one has any difficulties with them. You can download the utilities from official sites, from torrent trackers or file sharing services.
Step 7
Many computer service centers offer formatted data recovery services. If you are afraid of spoiling something, you can take the disc to a company where specialists will take care of it. Although, it is also worth trying your hand.