When the wire of a computer mouse is broken, then it, accordingly, stops working. This happens, as a rule, very rarely: usually mice with such a problem celebrate not their first anniversary.

Stationery knife, "+" screwdriver, electric soldering iron, solder, rosin
Step 1
Comparing the statistics of computer mouse breakdowns, an interesting conclusion can be drawn - most of the malfunctions of this device are hidden in the bend of the wire when entering the mouse. Therefore, if you have such a misfortune as a broken mouse, and in the computer showroom convinced that it has a reliable manufacturer, you can be sure that, most likely, there was a wire break.
Step 2
Take the mouse in your hand and turn it over. Unscrew all connecting screws. Remove the upper case.
Step 3
Remember the location of the wires by color. It is best to photograph or sketch on paper.
Step 4
Turn on the soldering iron to heat it up. It is worth noting that to perform soldering, it is worth using a soldering iron with a power of up to 40W, preferably 25W. Before using a soldering iron, it is necessary to clean the tip and dip it in rosin.
Step 5
Using a heated soldering iron, carefully unsolder the wires. Set the soldering iron aside.
Step 6
Use a sharp clerical knife to cut off the damaged part of the mouse wire. Cut off is no more than 3 centimeters. Strip all contacts and dip in rosin.
Step 7
Solder the wires to the pins of the mouse. Then assemble the case.