You can save a lot on buying a computer if you buy all the components and assemble it yourself. There is nothing particularly difficult about this. Of course, you need to take the time to study a little the architecture of the PC. But you can learn how to assemble a computer yourself. In addition, in the future you will not have any problems with replacing any PC component. You need to start assembly by attaching the motherboard to the case wall.

- - computer case;
- - screwdriver.
Step 1
In the world of computer technology, everything is standardized. This does not mean that all motherboards have the same form factor. But there are certain standards. The same goes for computer cases. In each of them there is a mounting standard for all form factors of motherboards.
Step 2
First, you need to remove the cover from the computer case. After that, it is best to lay it on its side. In this position, it will be most convenient for you to work. On the back of the case there is a place for the output of the motherboard interfaces. Place the board so that its interfaces are brought out to the outside of the system unit.
Step 3
Now take a close look at the device. You will see that there are holes for the mounting screws on the sides. On the computer case, in the same places, there are special "legs" that just fit with the holes on the board. Use the mounting screws to secure the system board to the computer base. The screws need to be screwed in tightly so that in the end the device is well fixed in the system unit. The motherboard itself weighs a little, but you need to take into account that a video card, a processor, and a heavy radiator will still be attached to it.
Step 4
Now you need to connect the wires that go from the computer case to the system board. In the lower right corner of the motherboard are the interfaces for connecting the power button, reset, and hard disk sensor. Nearby are the wires that run from the front of the computer case. Each wire has a connection connector with an inscription on it.
Step 5
The motherboard manual contains a description of each interface. For example, if the diagram says Power SW, then this means that among the wires you must find the one on the connector of which Power SW is also written and connect it to this interface. If you plug it in incorrectly, nothing will burn, the computer simply won't start.